5 Tips For Better Keyword Research For SEO

Keyword selection is, and has always been, a vital part of search engine optimization. Smart keywords help to drive traffic to your website and generate business. However, the process of selecting keywords shouldn't be random. Consider these pointers to generate the highest quality traffic to your website, online feature or page.

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Tip #1 - Think Like Your Audience

Remember, the goal of keyword selection is to choose terms and phrases that help you connect with your target audience. What might your ideal customer type in a search engine? How does your website address that individual's particular need? For example, let's say that you own a restaurant that serves Mexican food. Potential customers are likely going to type "Mexican food" or "Mexican restaurant" into the search engine.

Tip #2 - Target Local

Incorporating local SEO is especially important for businesses that serve local customers. Not only do you want to meet the needs of your audience, but also market where your services are located. Let's go back to that example of the Mexican restaurant. Perhaps it is located in Cape Coral, Florida. Include "Mexican restaurant in Cape Coral, Florida" in your search engine optimization strategy. If you offer delivery services, be sure that "Mexican delivery in Cape Coral, Florida" is a part of your plan.

Tip #3 - Balance Specific versus Broad

In a world wide web that is heavily dominated by local SEO, the phrase "Mexican restaurant" could prove too general in some cases. "Restaurant" is extremely broad, and competitive. Consider long-tail phrases to narrow your target marketing. "Mexican restaurant happy hour". On the other hand, avoid excessively long-tail phrases: "a Mexican restaurant that serves fish tacos with green salsa and organic cheddar cheese" might be a touch wordy. Use your best discretion. You get the idea.

Tip #4 - Keyword Volume

It may sound fancier to call your restaurant "a south-of-the-border dining establishment." However, search volume tools suggest that very few people type that phrase into a search engine when they want to eat tacos and quesadillas for dinner. Instead of writing with such industry-specific sophistication and flair, diffuse your written content to the everyday vernacular your ideal customer uses.

Tip #5 - Synonyms and Permutations

You needn't repeat the same keyword all over your website. Instead, try spreading the wealth by employing synonyms for your target keyword. Let's say that target is "tacos for dinner". Substitute synonyms for dinner, like "meal" or "supper"(provided search volume supports those alternatives). Additionally, consider permutations of your target keyword. Singular and plural tenses of your keyword like chicken taco/chicken tacos count as permutations. Diversified ingredients like taco meat choices also count: beef tacos, chicken tacos, fish tacos. Brainstorm related terms and their tenses: eat, eating, ate, etc.

Keyword research for SEO requires thought and research that matches your user's buying intent. These elements are central for your online marketing campaign to be a success! Now, what's for dinner?

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